Happy Go Laqui

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How To Take Portraits Of Yourself, By Yourself

If you’re like me, getting in front of the camera with someone else behind it is really nerve-wracking. Although I’m 100% comfortable in my own skin, being in photos has always made me feel self-conscious. I strive to be photogenic, but in reality, I’m just trying to be as comfortable as I can standing in front of the camera, rather than behind it. 

That’s why I learned how to take self-portraits BY MYSELF. 

I’ve been able to try new things on my own without feeling anxious that I “look weird” or albeit, self-sabotaging. Surprisingly, it’s helped me be more comfortable around the camera, especially when someone else is taking my photo. These days, I’m still an “awkward taco” when someone is taking my photos, but I’m WAY more comfortable now than I was before because I’ve learned how to take my own photos.

Here are my 6 not-so-secret tips and tricks on how I stepped up my self-portrait game to be comfortable and CONFIDENT in front of the camera:

Get a Tripod

When you don’t have an extra set of hands, a tripod is going to be your best friend. Most tripods these days have the capability to hold either a standard DSLR or smartphone. Amazon basics has a really good one, or I suggest this compact one that you can also take with you while travelling!

Use a Shutter Remote Control

Most mirrorless cameras these days have WiFi built into the device, which you can then connect to your phone via an app to control the shutter. If you use a smartphone, which there is nothing wrong with that, you can buy a bluetooth shutter remote like this one.

Plan to Take Photos in the Mornings

When I plan on taking my own photos, I like to go early in the morning, right around after the sun rises. One, because the lighting is perfect - it isn’t as harsh and you get nice even lighting in the photo. And two, because most locations are empty so there’s less of a chance running into people.

Sorelle Amore and the #AdvancedSelfie

If you don’t know who Sorelle Amore is, she’s an amazing photographer who founded the advanced selfie movement. She creates gorgeous self-portraits that she takes by herself and also has a ton of YouTube videos that are full of information on how you can do it too.

Don’t Be Afraid of Movement

Movement in photos looks really natural and quite easy to execute. Take a couple of pictures as you’re walking, spinning around, or even doing a slight hop.

Know Your Angles

Know which angles make you feel the most confident. Everyone has their “good side.” For me, that’s my left side because I like the way that my hair falls when the left side of my face is towards the camera. And no matter what side, keep your face front, chin up, and OWN IT!